
Podcasts and audiobooks are growing fast, showing good signs of longevity. It's a great way to get your creative ideas out there and to promote your work.

Here at Something Noisy we can help you stand out from the crowd. By cleaning and adding sound design and/or music if you so desire. We can also help by creating audio or video promos for you to use on any platform. Plus we take care of the technical specifications, so you don't have to.

Prices are negotiable for on going campaigns and projects.

Get in touch now and lets make something wonderful or if you just want a bit of free advice.

Package Deals:

Audio editing and mix

£60, $75, €65 per half hour of finished audio.

What is included.

Complete audio editing and cleaning of unwanted background noise.

Removing of unwanted 'ums, ahs, pauses and coughs.

Levelling and eq'ing of the dialogue for warmth and intelligibility.

Mixing in of intro/outro music.

Adding of ID3 tags for SEO.

Audio editing, sound design and mix

£135, $168, €153 per half hour of finished audio.

What is included.

Complete audio editing and cleaning of unwanted background noise.

Removing of unwanted 'ums, ahs, pauses and coughs.

Levelling and eq'ing of the dialogue for warmth and intelligibility.

Mixing in of intro/outro music.

Bespoke sound design, spot effects and ambiences.

Adding of ID3 tags for SEO.

Thirty second audio promo

£435, $540, €488 without voice over

£635, $762, €688 with voice over

What is included.

Fully produced promo using audio from youraudiobook/podcast.

Royalty free music.

Sound design.

Mix to technical specifications for all platforms required.

Adding of ID3 tags for SEO.

Thirty second video promo

£730, $908, €820 without voiceover

£930, $1156, €1045 with voiceover

What is included.

Fully produced promo using audio from your audiobook/podcast.

Video stock footage.


Royalty free music.

Sound design.

Audio mix and export of video to technical specifications for all platforms required.

Adding of metadata tags for SEO.